Neverwinter Nights tools / Documentation

Some scripts now have pod documentation built in, and the documentation of them scripts now refers to html pages generated from that.

That documentation includes :

Here is the usage listing for those that do not have other documentation.

The usage

Keyprint will print the contents of key file.

Usage: [--help] [--version] 
        [--config config-file] 
        filename ...

The usage

Keyunpack will extract given files from the bif files mentioned in the key file.

Usage: [--help] [--version] 
        [--config config-file] 
        [--dir|-d dir] 
        [--pattern|-p file-name-regexp] 
        filename ...

The usage

Builder-package allows building basic builders packages from the module directly or from the directory having unpackaged module. It takes list of files (one name per line with extension, but without path), and creates erf having those files. It also creates a file having short descriptions for files, by taking the given file having descriptions, and taking the lines having the resource name added to the erf in the beginning of line (one line per resource). The short description file can include other descriptions too, and they are ignored, and if it does include description then only the file name is added to the short descriptions file.

It also creates long description file which contains the comments from the gff files, and beginning of the script file (up to the first function). Both the short description file and long description file is put inside the zip file having also the optional readme and the erf package. It can also creater ExportInfo.gff file to the erf having the comment given in file, but it does not generate dependencies, Expansion_Pack, Missing, Mod_MinGameVer, Top etc items to the ExportInfo, so the erf should be generic erf.

Usage: [--help] [--version] 
        [--config config-file] 
        [--dir|-d extracted-module-dir] 
        [--module|-m module-to-extract-resources-from] 
        [--resources|-r file-containing-resource-filenames] 
        [--short-description|-s file-containing-short-descriptions] 
        [--readme|-R file-containing-readme] 
        [--comment|-c file-containing-package-comment] 
        [--erf|-e output-erf-file] 
        [--zip|-z output-zip-file] 
        [--listing-name|-l filename-in-zip-for-short-descriptions] 
        [--descriptions-name|-D filename-in-zip-for-descriptions] 
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